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2013 | 19 | 27--39
Tytuł artykułu

Coll. 1.0. DE SICARIIS [ET HOMICIDIIS CASU VEL VOLUNTATE] - czyli krótki wykład o transformacji rzymskiej ustawy przeciwko "nożownikom" w powszechne prawo przeciwko zabójstwu

Warianty tytułu
Coll. 1.0. DE SICARIIS [ET HOMICIDIIS CASU VEL VOLUNTATE] - the Short Lecture on Transformation of Roman Law Against "Dagger-men" into the Common Law on Homicide
Języki publikacji
Pod znamiennym tytułem De sicariis (et homicidiis casu vel voluntate), którego treść i znaczenie będzie przedmiotem niniejszej krótkiej analizy, nieznany autor kompilacji zamieścił fragmenty zaczerpnięte z dzieł jurystów Ulpiana i Paulusa, w których przedstawiali oni materię republikańskiej ustawy uchwalonej na wniosek Korneliusza Sulli - lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis ("Ustawy Korneljańskiej przeciwko nożownikom i trucicielom. (fragment tekstu)
Lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis at the turn of the republic cannot be recognized as a law against homicide. The aim of the Law was to ensure safety and public order by eliminating criminal pathologies that threatened these public goods. Thus, the Law was of a specifically preventive and police nature. The image of it separated from the later, rich, after all, tradition of the Law, written by the legislative factors of the period of the Principate and the Dominate. Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum can be very useful legal source to show that great transformation. At the classical period, the Law was an entirely different institution than its original predecessor. The Lex Cornelia in the writings by Ulpianus or Paulus is already certainly 'a law on killing', although jurists, being typically attached to tradition, attempt 'to change as much as possible by changing as little as possible'. This practice - quite easy to recognise - probably best shows the face of Sulla's Law as known from Collatio legum Mosaicarum et Romanarum. The words hominem occiderit - if they appeared in the original Sulla's Law at all - were used by classical jurists as a basis for the widening interpretation and, consequently, a reconstruction of the Law towards the common law on homicide. It must have been as a result of a rather long-lasting process of law-making interpretation of law by legislative factors of the Principate.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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  • J. E. Gaughan, Murder was not a Crime. Homicide and Power in the Roman Republic, Austin 2010.
  • J. Harries, Law and Crime in the Roman World, Cambridge 2007, s. 118 i n.
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  • R. Bauman, Leges iudiciorum publicorum and their Interpretation in the Republic, Principate and Later Empire, ANRW 2, 13 (1980), s. 110 przyp. 24.
  • U. Brasiello, Sulla riconstruzione dei crimini in diritto romano- cenni sulla evoluzione dell'omicidio, SDHI 42 (1976), s. 255.
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  • A. Stankiewicz, De homicidio in iure poenali romano, Romae 1981, s. 29 i n.
  • V. Marotta, Multa de iure sanxit. Aspetti della politica del diritto di Antonino Pio, Milano 1988, s. 307 i n.
  • A. Wiliński, Zur Frage der Tötung von Sklaven in der lex Cornelia de sicariis et veneficis, Acta Conventus XI Eirene, 1972, s. 233.
  • M. Miglietta, Servus dolo occisus. Contributo allo studio del concorso tra actio legis Aquiliae e iudicium ex lege Cornelia de sicariis, Napoli 2001, s. 30 i n.
  • E. Höbenreich, Überlegungen zur Verfolgung unbeabsichtiger Tötungen von Sulla bis Hadrian, ZSS 107 (1990), s. 308.
  • G. Muciaccia, Sull'uso del termine casus nel diritto penale romano, [w:] Atti del II Seminario romanistico gardesano 12-14 giugno 1978, Milano 1980, s. 335-355.
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  • K. Amielańczyk, Obecność i znaczenie zasady słuszności w rzymskim prawie karnym, "Studia Iuridica Lublinensia" 2011, t. XV, s. 29 i n.
  • U. Brasiello, Sulla riconstruzione dei crimini in diritto romano- cenni sulla evoluzione dell'omicidio, SDHI 42 (1976), s. 258 i n.
  • K. Amielańczyk, Poena legis Corneliae, [w:] Kara śmierci w starożytnym Rzymie, red. H. Kowalski i M. Kuryłowicz, Lublin 1996, s. 143 i n.
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